Monday, May 18, 2020
The Theory Of Ethics And Ethics - 1246 Words
Throughout the last few weeks of class, we have discussed many different theories of ethics by many different philosophers. We have examined these theories by looking at different examples of how someone who believes in a specific theory would respond to the situation. I have come to the conclusion after closely examining each theory of ethics that virtue ethics presented by Rosalind Hursthouse is closest to correct. Even though virtue ethics has a few flaws that I believe need to be revised, this theory is closest to what I believe is correct. This theory is well structured and has fewer controversies than the other theories we have looked at because this theory deals with wider questions like, how should I live my life, instead of narrow questions like, how should I respond to this situation. In many other theories, we are given a specific, often unlikely situation, and given a specific way to respond to that situation. In my life I have always learned many important values from ro le models like my mom and dad. These people are considered virtuous people to me because I have learned right from wrong from them my entire life. Learning how to act from another person in real life situations better prepares me to make the right moral decisions in my own life. Overall, I believe that virtue ethics is the closets theory to correct because in virtue ethics, we are given a way to act and a role model to follow in order to make the right moral decision in all situations all of theShow MoreRelatedEthics And Ethical Theories Of Ethics956 Words  | 4 Pagesthat were similar had different ethics. It wasn’t until I joined the military that I actually associated my actions and decisions to being ethical or unethical. I believe that society makes the right decisions on things, even when the decision doesn’t benefit them. Through experience, I learned that this is not always the case. 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Many of these terms are relative to aspects such as culture and time. The three theories are all related, yet distinctive as theories or schools of thought regarding ethics and behavior. Those who subscribe toRead MoreEthics : Ethics And Virtue Ethical Theory930 Words  | 4 PagesEthics are the standards and qualities an individual uses to administer his activities and choices. In an association, a code of ethics is an arrangement of rule that guide the association in its projects, approaches and choices for the business. The moral logic an association uses to lead business can influence the reputation, profitability and main concern of the business. Unethical behavior or an absence of corporate social obligation, by examination, may harm a company s reputation and makeRead MoreEthics : Value Theory, Normative Ethics, And Meta Ethics1501 Words  | 7 PagesThe topic of ethics has always been up for debate. 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Biocentrism is an attitude of respect for nature, whereby one attempts to make an effort to live one s life in a way that respects the welfare and inherent worth of all living creatures. This egalitarian theory is a biologically-informed, philosophical worldview about humans, nature,Read MoreThe Theory Of Virtue Ethics951 Words  | 4 PagesThe function of this paper is to determine why and how three members of the cast in the videos â€Å"RPG Embedded in Soldier†made the choices they did in relation to the groups of values that are commonly found within the theory of virtue ethics. In short, virtue ethics stresses being an inherently good person versus simply doing good actions. This means that a virtuous person will typically choose the right action simply because it is the natural thing for them to do. 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