Saturday, May 23, 2020
Personal Competencies Assessment - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1407 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Psychology Essay Type Argumentative essay Did you like this example? PERSONAL COMPETENCIES ASSESSMENTS à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Know thyself.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ Famous dead Greeks long ago were not wrong. Knowing yourself is one of the most important paths toward true self-improvement no matter the rationale, be they work, family, or peer-social. The classics were not wrong, however, the tools to get one to an improved point have changed. There are many ways to get there from here. This is the point and purpose of doing personality, leadership, and learning style exercises and tests. I am imaginative cynical idealist. This bled through most of the tests we took. Why do them? Because we divide ourselvesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ early on in the real work world into those who continuously learn and those who do not. But for many the destination is also important. Where are you going? It is hard to know where you are going and why you are going there if you donà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t know what your strengths and weakness are, One has to know whatà ¢ â‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s within oneself to manage develop or overcome. I think doing these exercises are useful in the attempt to develop a career path but also to reengage those who are mid-career, perhaps trying to redesign the à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"next step in the path.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ Learning styles or knowledge acquisition has been big since the 1980s; I aware of this because I have had the concept beaten in to me since the first grade. How do you best learn? On the Honey and Mumford Learning Styles test I scored strongest with 18 for Activist; 16 for Pragmatist; 12 for Reflector; and 10 for Theorist. This is not a big surprise for me because I have always learned best by doing and have always required a à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"whyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ question or 12 regarding whatever subject matter I am not particularly interested. This to me is the most important part of the assessments I did. It confirmed some of what I already learned about myself and the ways in which I learn best. However, I enjoyed Jungà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s Personality Assessment and ended up scoring the below ENFP. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“ENFP Warmly enthusiastic, high spirited, ingenious and imaginative. Able to do almost anything that interests them. Quick for a solution for any difficulty and ready to help anyone with a problem. Often, rely on their ability to improvise instead of preparing in advance. Can usually find a compelling reasons for whatever they want.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ This description is of my personality is correct. That said I am not high energy. In fact I am so not high energy that when I was about seven years old my mother took me to the doctor because I was not high energy like her. I do think this personality assessment it is a double edged sword for me in that the quick creative solution is not always the best or ideal long term, but in a fast paced daily changing work environment it is very much desired and is appreciated as the solutions allow others to get back th eir day to complete work. This was a typical problem set for me on at least a once a week basis in my last two jobs. This dynamic basically describes my former day-to-day work interactions to the doted Ià ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s and crossed Tà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s in my last job as an Assistant Managing Editor, Web for a news website in Washington, DC. The one weakness I see in it is my strength to rationalize just about anything. This can be a huge problem if you are not aware, as this also means a person may fool himself by rationalizing the wrong conclusion from a situation and live in an alternate reality from those working around him if the creativity goes to oneà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s head. I generally try not to believe my own spin, unless I really do and I am a proactive evangelist for it. I donà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t know if this is an optimal way to function in professional life, but balancing unrelenting idealism and cynicism is generally what I am known for. Then again, I have alwa ys functioned this way, at least as long as I could remember, but have never seen it described so eloquently as in the Jungà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s personality test conclusions. The Managerial Grid and Leadership questionnaire was fairly interesting and useful to me as well. I fell into the team leader quadrant 8.4 on the à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“peopleà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ axis and 7.6 on the à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“taskà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ aspect. I am not surprised, I have been functioning in adhoc daily teams of eight or four competitive team members since first year of secondary school, when I started rowing. When I left rowing, my exit was slow, as it is for many who get involved in the sport. and I coached for two years. In this role, I learned about managing personalities toward joint goals. Not just as it related to my boats, but also my other coaching staffà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s boats too. Idealist cynicism is ideal for coaching rowing because they are the laziest hard working athletes around. Is it useful to take a test and have knowledge about what you already believed about yourself confirmed? Maybe. I would argue it is possible to play to the test and personally, I would rather be judged on my team leader qualities, by how I perform within group work tasks and on how the group performs. I would still argue that the people axis is generally more important to me personally, as most project failures I have been involved with have failed due to poor relations among the team members. Luckily these situations have been rare but useful learning experiences. On the Whetton and Cameron à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Locus of Control Scale,à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ I scored 7 where corporate business executives average 8.29 with a standard deviation of 3.57. This evaluation was somewhat useful to me. Learning and or being able to control yourself and things around you to best you can but not getting too stuck on you if it somehow does fail or you dont really want to own it in the first place us helpful. I try not to be too extreme in this one, because on the one hand you must look inside first if something goes wrong (Drucker, 1999). The other side of this is understanding that in some circumstances no matter what you do something will go wrong. Sometimes things are just entirely out of your control. Complaining can be legitimate, but I prefer it be a cathartic team building exercise, if at all, otherwise you just sound like a whiner. I do have a hard time with whiny people. Americanà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s are fairly big complainers and whiners about everything. Two semesters in an Irish University proved that to me. My Whetton and Cameron à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“PAMSà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ test score was 402 against the maximum possible (462) where a score or 304 or above put an individual into the top quartile. This was the test I disliked the most. I feel my scoring is not right. I do feel that way, but am not entirely sure if observed by a third party they would agree. This test, I think, is ea sier to over rate oneself while not trying to do so on purpose. I did not get much value from the PAMS test. I feel like I knew myself pretty well before doing these various evaluations, primarily through trial and error in different job roles and projects over the last few years. Doing them has allowed me to think back on situations where the various aspects and competencies would have come into play in both the work sphere and personal sphere. I learned the most from the learning styles assessment and the personality test. They confirmed things that make me more comfortable with describing myself. However the cynical idealism I arrived here in Dublin with is perfect for any towns people that thrive on politics and debate of big ideas like those that happen in Washington, D.C., where folks do it for a living. But it can at times come off as crass and rude or off putting, in other cities (Atlanta or Dublin) where being able to argue three different sides of an issue well, a nd not really believing any of them too deeply is not the norm. Moving to Dublin has helped me move away from some of this as have exercises forcing me to think deeply about how my personality and various life experiences impact my social and professional communications and the image of me that is being projected. This project has helped me know myself and my competencies strengths and weaknesses much better. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Personal Competencies Assessment" essay for you Create order
Monday, May 18, 2020
The Theory Of Ethics And Ethics - 1246 Words
Throughout the last few weeks of class, we have discussed many different theories of ethics by many different philosophers. We have examined these theories by looking at different examples of how someone who believes in a specific theory would respond to the situation. I have come to the conclusion after closely examining each theory of ethics that virtue ethics presented by Rosalind Hursthouse is closest to correct. Even though virtue ethics has a few flaws that I believe need to be revised, this theory is closest to what I believe is correct. This theory is well structured and has fewer controversies than the other theories we have looked at because this theory deals with wider questions like, how should I live my life, instead of narrow questions like, how should I respond to this situation. In many other theories, we are given a specific, often unlikely situation, and given a specific way to respond to that situation. In my life I have always learned many important values from ro le models like my mom and dad. These people are considered virtuous people to me because I have learned right from wrong from them my entire life. Learning how to act from another person in real life situations better prepares me to make the right moral decisions in my own life. Overall, I believe that virtue ethics is the closets theory to correct because in virtue ethics, we are given a way to act and a role model to follow in order to make the right moral decision in all situations all of theShow MoreRelatedEthics And Ethical Theories Of Ethics956 Words  | 4 Pagesthat were similar had different ethics. It wasn’t until I joined the military that I actually associated my actions and decisions to being ethical or unethical. I believe that society makes the right decisions on things, even when the decision doesn’t benefit them. Through experience, I learned that this is not always the case. I saw people act selfish and even identified my own flaws when faced wi th ethical situations. These experiences have shown me that ethics training is important and necessaryRead MoreEthics Theory1635 Words  | 7 PagesEthical Treatment of Prisoners Name SOC120: Introduction to Ethics Social Responsibility Instructor: November 20, 2012 The life of prisoners some may never know. There are those who care not to know what goes on behind that wired fence. We find that some people that are convicted of crimes that they did not commit. Some people would rather turn their heads to what actually happens in a prison institution, because they feel it is no concernRead MoreTheories of Ethics683 Words  | 3 Pages Theories of Ethics Virtue theory, utilitarianism, and deontological ethics are categories of virtue ethics. As they are all a part of virtue ethics, they are all schools of thought concerning how people should be and which virtues people must accrue such that they lead good lives. Many of these terms are relative to aspects such as culture and time. The three theories are all related, yet distinctive as theories or schools of thought regarding ethics and behavior. Those who subscribe toRead MoreEthics : Ethics And Virtue Ethical Theory930 Words  | 4 PagesEthics are the standards and qualities an individual uses to administer his activities and choices. In an association, a code of ethics is an arrangement of rule that guide the association in its projects, approaches and choices for the business. The moral logic an association uses to lead business can influence the reputation, profitability and main concern of the business. Unethical behavior or an absence of corporate social obligation, by examination, may harm a company s reputation and makeRead MoreEthics : Value Theory, Normative Ethics, And Meta Ethics1501 Words  | 7 PagesThe topic of ethics has always been up for debate. Ethics as defined by Landau is, â€Å"moral philosophy that focuses on the branch of knowledge of answering question on how we ought to live. (Landau)†In order to grasp a deeper meaning of ethics Landau focuses , â€Å"questions about what our guidi ng ideals should be, in what sort of life is worth living, and how we should treat one another†(Landau). The purpose of these questions allows society to focus the key points of ethics, hedonism, physiologicalRead MoreEthic Theory and Practice1660 Words  | 7 PagesIn the first five chapters of Ethics Theory And Practice there are four main types of theories Ethical Egoism, Utilitarianism, Kantian Ethics, and Virtue Ethics. I will be presenting and reacting to each of these different Ethics, and presenting my own approach to Ethics. In the second chapter of our book Ethics Theory And Practice It discuses ethical egoism and utilitarianism. Ethical Egoism is a theory that states that everyone should act in their own self interest. Ethical Egoism can takeRead MoreThe Theory And Ethics Of Care873 Words  | 4 Pagesby the moral virtues and intellectual virtues. Virtue ethics is known as virtue theory; which is an approach to ethics that emphasizes an individual’s character element through ethical thinking rather than rules about deontological or consequentialism. It is also said that virtue does not primarily identify universal principles that can be applied to moral situations, but uses deontological and consequentialist to identify principles. This theory shows that it is based on an individual rather thanRead MoreThe Theory Of Environmental Ethics Essay1605 Words  | 7 PagesTaylor was a philosopher most known for his work in the field of environmental ethics. In 1996, Taylor published Respect f or Nature: A Theory of Environmental Ethics, in which he argues for the theory of Biocentrism. Biocentrism is an attitude of respect for nature, whereby one attempts to make an effort to live one s life in a way that respects the welfare and inherent worth of all living creatures. This egalitarian theory is a biologically-informed, philosophical worldview about humans, nature,Read MoreThe Theory Of Virtue Ethics951 Words  | 4 PagesThe function of this paper is to determine why and how three members of the cast in the videos â€Å"RPG Embedded in Soldier†made the choices they did in relation to the groups of values that are commonly found within the theory of virtue ethics. In short, virtue ethics stresses being an inherently good person versus simply doing good actions. This means that a virtuous person will typically choose the right action simply because it is the natural thing for them to do. Applying this concept to theRead MoreThe Theory Of Virtue Ethics Essa y1632 Words  | 7 Pages‘Virtue ethics’, is an agent-centred approach in normative ethics that stresses the importance of moral characters and virtues, which is unlike the two other major approaches in the field (Hursthouse, 2013) . Deontology rather emphasises the use of duties and rules, and utilitarianism emphasises the importance of consequences of one’s actions (Hursthouse, 2001). Aristotle’s (2009) theory of virtue ethics is the most widely recognised, he believes that the virtuous person is one who exhibits desirable
Monday, May 11, 2020
High Definition Television (HDTV) Essay examples - 511 Words
High Definition Television (HDTV) High Definition Television, also known as HDTV, is a technological advancement compared to the analog television most Americans have now. High definition was a marvel that was bound to come. It seems that every time a new technology emerges, it is a must have, but is high-definition television worth buying? This is the question I have posed to myself and will try to answer. High definition started in Tokyo, Japan in 1964. It was a simple experimental research project that did not hold much weight. Once the Federal Communications Commission heard of the news, the proposed a competition to see who could come up with a higher quality television. There was no real winner for the contest, but†¦show more content†¦A 20 inch high-definition ready television average price can range anywhere from $500 to $800. That is almost double the amount I paid for my television, which is eight-inches bigger. 2) Television programming Imagine, sitting on your couch watching the Discovery Channel and the animals looking so close to the real thing. Well, do not expect for that visual to come true. Another problem with the high-definition format television is there is hardly any programming to watch that is high-definition programming. The National Association of Broadcasters stated that ABC, NBC, CBS, and the WB are broadcasting sixty prime-time shows in high definition format, but what about the rest? The second issue is cable programs. The most high definition format programming offered is averaged around six channels. Cable television usual has close to one-hundred channels of programming. There is one cable provider which offers about thirty channels in high-definition format but it costs around $750 just to install it. 3) Future Expectations The government is mandating that all broadcasts be in digital high-definition format, and estimating that all broadcasts should be switch over to that format by the year 2006 (that is only two years from now). By the year 2006 most all programming will be showing in high-definition format and the price of high-definition television sets will drop because more programming will beShow MoreRelated HDTV: Implications for High Definition Television Essay1738 Words  | 7 PagesHDTV: Implications for High Definition Television  HDTV (High Definition Television) has many positive attributes and is the television set of the future, but the primary concern is how this revolutionary standard can coexist and eventually replace the existing color TV system. This vital problem associated with HDTV is similar to the obstacle that color TV encountered in 1954 - which was enabling the color signal to be read simultaneously with the monochrome signal, without interferenceRead More HD TV over IP Networks Essay example2818 Words  | 12 Pages HDTV over IP Networks Table of Contents Introductionnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;1 About CBNnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;1 HDTV Integrationnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;2 Area Researchednbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;3 Technology Involvednbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;5 System Architecturenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;5 Implementationnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;6 Future Trendsnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;8 Future Productsnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;8 Companies Involvednbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;10Read MoreEssay on Future Of Television1057 Words  | 5 Pages The Future of Television Hello, and welcome to the wonderful world of time travel. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Development Of Hybrid Colonial Architecture - 2190 Words
Colonial architecture is a combination architectural style of a country that has been adapted from the other countries characteristics, methods and influences. The colonists built settlements and create hybrid designs that include their countries of origin with the design styles. Europeans came to Southeast Asia during 16th century. The colonial vision was effectively imposed on Southeast Asia. At the beginning of the 20th century, most of the Southeast Asia countries were controlled by the British, Dutch, French and the Americans. Under this colonial rule, the late 19th and early 20th centuries was a period of fast development of such as new architectural styles, modern construction methods and techniques, railways, roads, etc. They changed the configurations, construction and methods to make the buildings more sustainable and maintained. This essay focuses on the development of hybrid colonial architecture in early 20th century in Southeast Asia. The essay investigates the different styles of buildings in different locations and explains how these types of architecture combined both European and local origins. It explains the Dutch style in Indonesia and the British style in Singapore and Kuala Lumpur/Malaysia while giving an example building to these styles. -The Dutch style in East Indies/Indonesia: The church at Puhsarang -The BritishShow MoreRelatedThe Survival Of Indigenous Visual Cultures1379 Words  | 6 Pagescultures. Each essay provided for analysis interprets the conquest of the Americas differently and connects it to Colonial Mexico artistic production at various degrees. Each essay also advocates for its own term that can be used to represent the process of Spanish and Indigenous art forms coming together in a complex cultural context. Kubler advocates for the term, folk art to describe colonial art because it is art production that is devoid of its past meaning. 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Conrad vs Holden Free Essays
Ordinary People and The Catcher in the Rye: Reckless Actions In current day society, people strive for the untangible feeling of happiness. Genuine happiness can develop a person to become lovable; however, the nonexistence of happiness may do the complete opposite. Holden a protagonist from the novel, The Catcher in the Rye by J. We will write a custom essay sample on Conrad vs Holden or any similar topic only for you Order Now D. Salinger, and Conrad the main character from the movie, Ordinary People, are searching for this happiness within their own lives. However, they are unable to find it because of the solidarity that they feel between their friends and families. The loneliness and the decreasingly lack of joy in Conrad’s and Holden’s lives triggers them to make decisions that would lead to consequences which would negatively affect their surrounds in the future. The absence of happiness within the lives of Holden and Conrad causes them to act reckless in different ways that ultimately harms himself and people around him. Throughout the movie Conrad makes many impulsive decisions that harms his friends, family members, and also himself. The first wrong decision that started the domino effect on the other wrongful decisions that he makes, is the fact that he didn’t come back to shore when he and his brother, Buck, saw â€Å"how bad the weather was becoming†while they were sailing. This decision results to the death of his brother and the event stays in his mind leading to the reckless behavior that begins to engulf his mind. Following, this decision is Conrad’s suicidal attempt by cutting his wrists vertically in his bathroom sink. Although this act puts pain on his family, it mostly affects Conrad physically and emotionally because he has to endure the pain of the slits and the depression that had caused him to make the decision to begin with. Even after Conrad returns from the hospital he continues to feel the lack of happiness within his own life. The depression causes him to not want to eat the breakfast that his mother makes just for him. Hurt by the rejection, Conrad’s mother dumps the meal into the drain and leaves in an abrupt manner. In addition, much of the bottled up emotions that Conrad keeps causes him to become quite distant with his own family and his friends. This solidarity eventually leads Conrad to lose his past close relationships with them. These impulsive decisions allow Conrad to expand upon his emotions, since in the beginning of the movie he bottles it up and allows it to accumulate over time. Within the novel, Holden displays reckless attitude that results in harming both himself and those around him. The factor of his reckless behavior begins when Holden runs away from Pency Prep due to the fact that he gets kicked out and is afraid that his parents would be upset. In turn, Holden decides to live in the city and waits till he is expected to come home. This act eventually leads him to hurt himself mentally because after a time spent in the city, Holden begins to â€Å"feel more depressed.. †and lonely (95). In an act of desperation, Holden tries to fill in his loneliness and sorrows by finding company with a girl named Sally that he â€Å"wasn’t too crazy about†(105). However, as Holden and Sally are still on their date, Holden displays his reckless behavior when he insults Sally calling her â€Å"a pain in the ass†(133). Sally is thus deeply hurt by the insult and â€Å"she was even crying†(134). This act in turn leaves Holden to become lonely and depressed once again. With the feeling of depression weighing on his shoulder, Holden decides to leave town and head for the west. Phoebe, Holden’s kid sister, hearing his plan also wants to tag along as well bringing along her suitcase that contains her personal items. Even though Holden doesn’t want to be alone, he refuses his sister’s plea to run away with him and in turn results him to display another act of recklessness. Holden yells at Phoebe telling her to shut up which triggers her to â€Å"start to cry†(206). Holden’s consideration of leaving Phoebe hurts Phoebe because she really cares about her brother’s well being. Since Holden’s siblings Allie and D. B are no longer currently living in the household, if Holden were to run away, Phoebe would feel lonely having only her parents as companions. Holden and Conrad are similar types of characters because they both act recklessly and unintentionally hurt themselves and the people that surround them. Both of the characters punch one of their good friends due to immature decisions. Holden gets into a fist fight with Stradlater since Holden continues to invoke Stradlater about his date with Jane, knowing that a punch to the face would follow the dispute. This act displays that Holden makes wrongful decisions knowing the consequences of the act, however still continuing with the act. In addition, Conrad also displays reckless behavior by continuingly punching Stillman out of the remark that Stillman makes of Jeannine. Conrad punches Stillman out of anger and frustration since Dr. Berger, Conrad’s psychiatrist, unlocks his emotions; it begins pouring out uncontrollably. With this act of violence, Conrad loses many of his once close friends because his friends now perceive him as â€Å"crazy†after the punching incident. Both Holden and Conrad displays thoughtless decisions by punching their friends in an act of rage which results in the consequences of more hurt. Even though Holden and Conrad may be similar they are more different than alike because they exhibit different acts of recklessness. While Holden may use strong words and loud voices to harm others, Conrad uses physical actions to harm the ones around him. When Holden was on his date with Sally in the restaurant, he begins to ramble about the future that Sally and Holden could have together. Holden suggests that Sally runs away together with him however Sally rejects his proposal causing Holden to become upset. This urge that is raging inside of him impulses him to say things that he didn’t think through therefore enabling him to insult her. However, this is not the only case in which Holden says things without thinking. In another scenario where he is speaking to Phoebe, Holden tells Phoebe to shut up, he â€Å" didn’t mean to tell her to shut up †¦Ã¢â‚¬ but the impulse enabled him to do so (206). On the other hand, Conrad uses his non-thought out actions to affect the people around him. Having Conrad attempting suicide by cutting his wrists vertically harms his family because it causes them to have to worry about their son. Conrad’s parents have already lost a son and if they were to lose another one then it would further devastate their family’s reputation and the family would thus fall apart. In addition, due to Conrad’s depression it causes him to not have an appetite when eating. Thus, when Conrad’s mom makes him breakfast and he refuses, this act causes his mother to become hurt from the rejection and therefore dump the meal in the garbage dispenser. Even so the slightest of actions of Conrad should effect and hurt the people around him. In conclusion, even though both Holden and Conrad are unintentionally hurting their loved ones, they differently act out recklessly when making out a decision. Both Holden and Conrad are both misunderstood teenagers that are trying find a way to get through the day. This is caused by the fact that their life is missing the genuine happiness that everyone in society searches for. However, at the end of both stories, they eventually achieve their idea of true happiness and therefore can live through the day knowing that they are truly happy. How to cite Conrad vs Holden, Papers
International Business Cultural Shock
Question: Discuss about the International Business forCultural Shock. Answer: The next interviewee who is an Indian prompted another major issue. The international students have to migrate in a different country where the lifestyles and foods are different to the native. The international students often face the homesickness due to the unavailability of their country foods and comforts (Marginson 2014). However, it is necessary to adopt the lifestyles in a different country, but it is even essential to feel comfortable in a different country. The lack of such comfort level is creating the obstacles for the international students. Description of the Selected People and their Connection with Cultural Shock The study discusses about the issues faced by the international students due to the cultural shock. Three international students participated in this interview. The first interviewee is Yoko Shin from China and she is pursuing her masters degree in Charles Darwin University. She has been staying in Australia for more than two months. She has been experiencing both the positive and negative consequences while studying in CDU University. She informed in the interview that she has been facing the issues with the language barriers. She is from China and she does not have the proficiency in English. Therefore, she has been facing the trouble in communicating with the other students, staffs, and teachers. The cultural and language barriers are thus affecting her studies as well. Another interviewee was John Baxter from US and he has been pursuing his graduation from Sydney University. He informed that he has been staying in Sydney for more than a year. The lifestyle in Australia is different to US. He informed about the issue he faced due to the cultural differences. He mentioned that many of the Australian students sometimes bully him in the University that affects his study and mental state. However, he is waiting to complete the graduation and settle back to his native. The third interviewee is Darshan Mehta from India. He is a student of Griffith University in Australia. He has the remarkable proficiency in English and he is studying literature in English in the University. His cultural background is completely different to the Australian culture. He sometimes faces the homesickness. The foods and lifestyles are quite different to Indian culture due to which he has been facing the cultural shock in Australia. Type of Questions The questions in this interview section are open ended. The interviewees provided their details and the place where they have immigrated. The interview questions were invoking the international students to communicate about the cultural shocks they have been facing while pursuing their career. I have received the information regarding the positive and negative experiences of the international students in international university. They put forward their difficulties faced in staying another country away from home. Moreover, the questions were formulated to understand the preferable lifestyles of the immigrants for understanding their difficulties to cope with the different cultural scenario. Insights Gained about the Cultural Shock The three interviewees belong to three different countries and pursuing their career in Australian universities. As per the insight gain from the first interviewee, it has been noticed that the language barrier is one of the most significant issues with the international students. Especially, people from the different lingual background often struggle to communicate their requirements whether in education or professional lives (Baba Hosoda, 2014). Even though English is the international language, some people face difficulties in gaining proficiency in English. This issue decreases the confidence level for surviving in an international country. Another interviewee commented about the difficulties faced due to constant bullying and discriminative attitudes. Due to the differences in lifestyles and cultural background, the international students sometimes are bullied and discriminated by other native students. This behaviour is affecting the educational and mental state of the international student due to which it becomes difficult to continue the study in other country (Menzies and Baron 2014). References Baba, Y., Hosoda, M. (2014). Home away home: Better understanding of the role of social support in predicting cross-cultural adjustment among international students.College Student Journal,48(1), 1-15. Gomes, C., Berry, M., Alzougool, B. and Chang, S., 2014. Home away from home: International students and their identity-based social networks in Australia.Journal of International Students,4(1), pp.2-15. Kormos, J., Csizr, K. and Iwaniec, J., 2014. A mixed-method study of language-learning motivation and intercultural contact of international students.Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development,35(2), pp.151-166. Lowinger, R., He, Z., Lin, M. and Chang, M., 2014. The impact of academic self-efficacy, acculturation difficulties, and language abilities on procrastination behavior in Chinese international students.College Student Journal,48(1), pp.141-152. Marginson, S., 2014. Student self-formation in international education.Journal of Studies in International Education,18(1), pp.6-22. Menzies, J.L. and Baron, R., 2014. International postgraduate student transition experiences: the importance of student societies and friends.Innovations in Education and Teaching International,51(1), pp.84-94.
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