Saturday, November 30, 2019
Total Synthesis Of Cp Compounds Essays (578 words) - Total Synthesis
Total Synthesis Of Cp Compounds Man's fascination with the many uses that can be found with the exploitation of natural substances has been demonstrated time and again throughout history, but the stage was set at the turn of the century for organic chemists to begin to focus on utilizing natural compounds for the benefit of medicinal and industrial uses. The discoveries of penicillin, aspirin, and other naturally occurring useful compounds in the earlier parts of the century set the stage for the utilization and exploitation of biologically active compounds as a molecular science. However, there are limits as to how much we can do with what nature provides us. This puts the role of the synthetic organic chemist at the forefront of synthetic compound synthesis technology. KC Nicolaou is one such leader. The main goal of Nicolaou's lab is the complete synthesis of naturally occurring compounds, along with solid phase chemistry, molecular design, combinatorial synthesis, and biological investigations; some of the results of Nicolaou's work include: the total synthesis of the anticancer agent Toxol, the marine neurotoxins brevetoxins A and B, the anititumor agents epothilones A and B, eleutherobin and sarcodictyins, the antibiotic vancomycin, the cholesterol-lowering CP-molecules, the immunosuppressant agent sanglifehrin A, the antibiotic everninomicin, and a number of bisorbicillinoids such as trichodimerol, bisorbicillinol, and bisorbibutenolide. Another example of Dr. Nicolaou's work is a paper published in Chemistry International entitled The Absolute Configuration and Asymmetric Total Synthesis of the CP Molecules (co-authored by Jae-Kyu Jung, Won Hyung Yoon, Yun He, Yong-Li Zhong, and Phil Baran.) In this paper, Nicolaou and his associates describe how their goal was both the total synthesis of these CP compounds (achieved in 1999) along with the determination of their absolute configurations; methods used in initial attempts to determine absolute configuration at different carbons included X-ray crystallography and NMR. Nicolaou set about synthesizing this compound by thinking through possible reactions that he might use to begin to build the carbon skeleton needed for this molecule. His team decided on a type-II intramolecular Diels-Alder reaction as the key step to generation of the core skeleton. The Diels-Alder reaction utilizes a dienophile in order to form new carbon-carbon bonds in a single step, in this case to form multiple ring structures. However, Nicolaou ran into trouble when several reagent-based enantioselective approaches with the precursor failed to yield appreciable levels of the desired product. After much study of this problem, Nicolaou's team came to the conclusion that a Lewis acid catalyst would be their best shot at inducing the asymmetry needed for this particular absolute configuration. After several more reaction steps, the team had two diastereomeric diols in a racemic mixture that were then converted to enantiomeric aldehydes with TBAF and NaIO4 - induced oxidative cleavage. After conversion to the indoline, the synthetic compound was compared to the naturally derived compound using NMR, TLC, and IR spectroscopy. However, the optical rotation of the synthetic compound was opposite in magnitude to the naturally derived CP molecule; the synthetic compound was verified as the enantiomer of the naturally occurring compound circular dichroism spectroscopy, and thus, the absolute configuration was verified. This paper parallels Nicolaou's research goals by showing how this team determined the absolute configuration of a complex compound they synthesized from a much simpler molecule (glycidol). It also shows the importance of techniques used to determine structure and content of complex molecules, such as NMR and IR spectroscopy. Science
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Free Essays on Club Drugs
Should we be Concerned about â€Å"Club Drugs†? The use of club drugs such as Ecstacy, Rohypnol, and Ketamine has risen significantly since the mid-1990’s. While out clubbing, drug use becomes extremely popular because it helps one sustain a high energy level for many hours. Eric Sigel, an assistant professor of pediatrics, writes about the influence of these various drugs and the consequences that may occur if taken. He argues that rave parties should be illegal because it promotes drug use among young people and has basically become just a venue for drug purchases. These underground rave parties are aware of the drug use that goes on and will charge ridiculously high prices for water knowing that the use of certain drugs causes one to be dyhydrated. The effects of ecstacy lasts up to six hours, and makes one feel in a relaxed upbeat mood, reduces anxiety, and increases sensitivity to others. The short term affects may be pleasurable, however there are long-lasting medical consequences of ecstasy. When placed in a social setting, people will become less shy and reserved and ones sexual desires will increase. GHB, Ketamine, Rohypnol, Methamphetamine, and LSD are also the drugs that are described in this article. These drugs emerged as â€Å"date rape†drugs and can be added to beverages and ingested unknowingly. There was much concern about their abuse, so Congress passed the â€Å"Drug-Induced Rape Prevention and Punishment Act of 1996†. This promoted Federal penalties for using any controlled substance to increase. Sigel points out that Raves were originally hidden from the law and are linked with drug usage because the people who attend these all night dance parties have a desire to stay up till the morning and dance to the ongoing electronic music. It is easy for one to locate illegal drugs at these underground gatherings and even make sure the drug they are taking is not fake and is what they paid for. Dancesaf... Free Essays on Club Drugs Free Essays on Club Drugs Should we be Concerned about â€Å"Club Drugs†? The use of club drugs such as Ecstacy, Rohypnol, and Ketamine has risen significantly since the mid-1990’s. While out clubbing, drug use becomes extremely popular because it helps one sustain a high energy level for many hours. Eric Sigel, an assistant professor of pediatrics, writes about the influence of these various drugs and the consequences that may occur if taken. He argues that rave parties should be illegal because it promotes drug use among young people and has basically become just a venue for drug purchases. These underground rave parties are aware of the drug use that goes on and will charge ridiculously high prices for water knowing that the use of certain drugs causes one to be dyhydrated. The effects of ecstacy lasts up to six hours, and makes one feel in a relaxed upbeat mood, reduces anxiety, and increases sensitivity to others. The short term affects may be pleasurable, however there are long-lasting medical consequences of ecstasy. When placed in a social setting, people will become less shy and reserved and ones sexual desires will increase. GHB, Ketamine, Rohypnol, Methamphetamine, and LSD are also the drugs that are described in this article. These drugs emerged as â€Å"date rape†drugs and can be added to beverages and ingested unknowingly. There was much concern about their abuse, so Congress passed the â€Å"Drug-Induced Rape Prevention and Punishment Act of 1996†. This promoted Federal penalties for using any controlled substance to increase. Sigel points out that Raves were originally hidden from the law and are linked with drug usage because the people who attend these all night dance parties have a desire to stay up till the morning and dance to the ongoing electronic music. It is easy for one to locate illegal drugs at these underground gatherings and even make sure the drug they are taking is not fake and is what they paid for. Dancesaf...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Hypermiling (Saving Lots of Fuel) in a Hybrid
Hypermiling (Saving Lots of Fuel) in a Hybrid Hypermiling is an endless pursuitthe quest for improved fuel economy, ratcheted up a couple of notches to near fanaticism. Those who practice it are called hypermilers, a dedicated group of guys and gals who routinely push the limits of maximum fuel efficiency. It got its name from the likes of Wayne Gerdes, one of the original devotees of hypermiling, and often proclaimed the inventor of the term. Hypermiling more or less got its start with hybrids, but its not limited to them. Here, well focus on hypermiling with a hybrid vehicle. Some of the techniques can only be done with a hybrid, or, at least they make it much easier and saferthough some hardcore hypermilers perform ALL of these techniques in regular cars. We dont recommend that, but really, a lot of it is just plain common sense that can be applied to just about any vehicle and/or driver. So what are these techniques and tools that are employed so passionately by their devotees? Read on for an explanation of these FE (thats hypermileresque for Fuel Economy) tricks. Pulse and Glide (PG) This is the heart of effective hypermiling for full hybrid vehicles. Though it takes some getting used to, and its really only appropriate for light suburban and town traffic, large FE gains can be had using it. Our first successful PG was in a Nissan Altima Hybrid. This car is equipped with Toyotas Hybrid Synergy Drive (Nissan licensed it from Toyota), but our car was lacking an energy flow monitor, so we had to rely on the EV mode display and the Kilowatt (kW) meter to execute the task properly. To initiate a PG, accelerate to about 40 MPH with the engine running (the pulse part), then ease off the pedal until the hybrid system goes into EV (electric vehicle) mode and the kW meter shows zero (or if equipped with the energy flow monitor, no arrows are showing energy flow). This is the glide part. The engine is off, the electric motor is disengaged and the vehicle is literally coasting for free. When the car slows to about twenty-five or thirty MPH (depending on traffic conditions, of course) repeat the pulse part, then the glide and so on. If properly applied, this trick uses the engine only to accelerate, and it never has the chance to idle along, wasting fuel while providing no return. Forced Auto Stop (FAS) Forced Auto Stop is similar to PG without the objective of re-accelerating. In a hybrid, it is usually a matter of lifting the accelerator below a speed of approximately 40 MPH and letting the engine shut-off. This allows the car to coast to a slower speed, or come to a complete stop without the engine running. However, many conditions can affect FAS (adequate battery state of charge, hybrid system temperature, engagement of AC compressor, cabin heat, etc.) and are not always so simple. Depending upon the hardware and software controls of the hybrid system, there are ways to fool the system into FAS. Unfortunately, they are many and varied, and beyond the scope of this article. Draft Assisted Forced Auto Stop (D-FAS) This technique involves riding in the wake of a large trailer truck at highway speeds (in FAS). Its not safe, DONT DO IT. We only mention it here because it is part of some hypermilers arsenal of tricks. Driving Without Brakes (DWB) More hypermilers tongue-in-cheek terminology. We like to think of this as driving with minimal brakes, but it must be done with a good dose of common senseits really not a good idea to take a 25 MPH curve at 50 trying to save gas. The main idea here is to not use the brakes to scrub off speed that has been achieved with energy (gasoline) spent. Anticipation is the keyword. Look far down the road to anticipate traffic stoppages, sharp curves, and signal changes and begin to decelerate or coast beforehand. The benefit is three-fold: Not only does DWB increase brake life, it reduces the number of times the vehicle must be started from a dead-stop (overcoming the inertia of a stationary vehicle consumes an enormous amount of energy), and, with a hybrid, the coasting action (regenerative braking) helps charge the battery. Ridge Riding This is the practice of driving very close to the outside edge of the road in order to keep the vehicles tires out of the slight depressions (ruts) worn into the road surface by the constant pounding of daily traffic. For most purposes, this technique is really only effective on wet roadways. Staying out of the ruts, which are filled with a thin layer of water, reduces drag on the tires and increases efficiency. An additional benefit is improved safety by preventing the tires from hydroplaning (riding on top of the water) and loss of vehicle control. Face out Potential Parking This is just plain common sense with a little bit of exercise, to boot. Search out open spaces in parking lots to eliminate the wasteful movement of backing out of a slot. Go one better by locating a spot that is on a bit of a slope, and then use gravity to help get the vehicle moving from a standstill. Sound silly? Multiply those effects over hundreds of park jobs in a year; it really does add up. Fuel Consumption Display (FCD) This is the gauge on the instrument panel of hybrids and many non-hybrids as well. Dedicated hypermilers call this the game gauge, and in many ways, thats just what it is. This device continuously calculates a vehicles average fuel consumption expressed in MPG (or, in metric mode, kilometers/liter) and displays it to the driver who can then make a fantastic game of making the average FE go ever upwards. Instant Fuel Consumption Display (IFCD) The instant fuel consumption display is very similar to the FCD, except that it displays fuel usage, just as the name impliesinstantlyas it is used. The display changes moment by moment in response to sundry dynamic physical conditions: throttle off, light acceleration, heavy load, hard acceleration, coasting and cruising. This gauge, more than any other on a vehicle, hammers home the relationship between fuel economy and driving habits. Keeping the instant fuel consumption display relatively constant and even, with a high reading, will probably net more consistent (and easily attainable) FE than any trick or gadget outlined in this entire article.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Organizational Analysis of Bank of America Research Paper
Organizational Analysis of Bank of America - Research Paper Example Bank of America is one of the largest financial institutions (Corporate Profile, 2011). The nature of the bank is to serve a full range of investing, banking, asset management along with financial and risk management services and products through its various credit and other lines of credit. Currently, the Bank serves, only in the United States, around 57 million small business relationships and consumer along with 5,900 retail banking offices together with 18,000 ATMs and with 29 million online active users of the Bank (Corporate Profile, 2011). Globally, Bank is known for its leading wealth management policies and practices particularly in investment and corporate banking together with trading in a wide range of asset classes, institutions, governments, and corporations. Additionally, the Bank is a registered member of the New York Stock Exchange and the Dow Jones Industrial Average. And, internationally, the Bank of America provides its banking services in more than 40 countries. However, having such a huge corporate portfolio does not ensure smooth sailing, particularly, in this tougher and rather uncertain period in the financial history. The Bank seems to be facing some financial and human resource problems; in this regard, the Bank, in the third quarter 2011, has announced to cut its cost by shedding 40,000 jobs out of 287000 employees currently working in the Bank (, n.d). Several legal issues hunt the management of the Bank of America.Â
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Successful Student Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Successful Student - Essay Example As a sign, there is a need to establish on what grounds a person can excel in college. Success for college students is as a result of their character before they become a part of the institution and after joining the system. The article reviews on the way a character defines a person and how it induces the success f the Person in the learning institution. The aspect that a person with a bad character cannot or can excel in the education system is part of the script. The argument that earlier character also induces the character that results at college is also a part of the publication. In addition, the aspect of whether the friends of a person influence an individuals character in such a way that they affect the grades in college is a part of the script. The chief aim is to instill skills in an individual in order to prepare the person for the real world. In order for the person to become a success, there is a need to instill knowledge from all facets. The bid is in an attempt of producing an all round person who is capable of living in the high competition of the world. In order for a person to excel in college, it is well enough to think of what they need to become successful. A person needs to have discipline. Training revolves around good character, good time management, respect and the act of expressing logic. In other words, a person must be civilized enough in order to make the most out of college education. Success in college comes from maintaining strict class attendance. The student should have a timetable for all his classes and strive always to get there in time. Timely arrival is important because most tutors use the first few minutes of their sessions, to sum up, the previous lecture. It is not enough to attend classes, but the student must commit full attention and participation while in class. The student should aim to contribute as much as possible and get involved by asking questions. This not only makes them enjoy the class session,
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Ed Boehm Essay Example for Free
Ed Boehm Essay Edward Marshall Boehm Inc. Case Study The Edward Marshall Boehm case talks about a company whose main objective is to produce the highest possible quality porcelain products while keeping a focus to nature. The following report will include the company’s vision and mission statement, their main objectives, a SWOT analysis and their specific plans in great detail. Edward Marshall Boehm’s vision for the company is â€Å"to capture that special moment and setting which conveys the character, charm and loveliness of a bird or animal in its natural habitat†with his highest possible quality porcelain products. His mission is similar to his vision statement in that he wants to make the world aware and protective of endangered wildlife by making them aware of nature’s charm. As stated in the introduction, the main objective is to make the highest objective porcelain products focused on nature. Other main objectives include trying to establish the company to stay profitable for the long run. The company is particularly focused on making their quality products with the purpose of raising awareness and raising a profit, rather than mass producing for quantity. With these objectives, they believe it will put them where they want to be in the long run. After reviewing the case we have completed a SWOT analysis to get a better idea of where they are headed. The company’s strengths are numerous and promise success. They use a very high quality porcelain clay equal to the finest in the world and have the skill to make many different beautiful figurines. Mr. Boehm is not only extremely artistically talented but also has unlimited knowledge about the art market. He also leads promotion for the company and possesses great merchandising skills. Mr. Boehm could be named as a strength himself. The porcelain figures are becoming increasingly recognized as unique, and irreplaceable as well as many becoming collector’s items; the most intricate have been priced at over $20,000. The weaknesses are less numerous than the strengths but are still existent. First, the figure making process is complex, including 52 steps. This makes it extremely hard when orders become numerous and they start to get backordered, it is hard to catch up because Mr. Boehm is the only artist. Considering at the time this case was written Boehm was 55 years old, it may be hard to view the long-term vision for the company because he may not be around to always be able to create the same quality products he once was able to produce. There is also the expense of creating the products, and the travels Mr. Boehm makes in order to bring back live models of his birds. The company may look at several opportunities in order to improve their company. First, they should consider expanding into international markets; doing this could get their name out there and attract more customers. Mr. Boehm should look into teaching other people how to make the same high quality figures so they are able to create more products efficiently and have less backorders. Finally they should look into selling their porcelain clay to other businesses in order to make more money. We feel that this company faces many threats. As mentioned before Mr. Boehm’s age could potentially be a threat for the businesses. The fact that they have backorders may start to frustrate the customers and cause them to stop ordering from the company because the wait isn’t worth it. A rise in the cost of materials to make the figures may cause him to raise the cost of selling them which will in turn cause the loss of customers. New competitors could always be a threat and they may find a more efficient way to get the figures to customers quickly without backorders. We have a few specific plans that will help this company continue to thrive in the future. The most important thing to do is for Mr. Boehm to train other people in his craft. This is crucial if the company is to plan for long term. Another plan is to hire more than one company to distribute the product. Right now they only have one distributor, Milton China. With more distributors he could reach a larger market. The final plan we came up with is to work on technological advancements to make the long tedious process of making the figures quicker. The largest problem of the company is that it has so many backorders, with technology they could possibly speed up the process and narrow down the amount of backorders. We feel with our analysis that Edward Marshall Boehm Inc. is in good position for the future but they could make vast improvements if they capitalize on their opportunities and focus on the specific plans we provided.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Themes of Shakespeare’s Measure for Measure Revealed in Angelo’s Solilo
Themes of Shakespeare’s Measure for Measure Revealed in Angelo’s Soliloquies Angelo’s soliloquies (2.2.161-186; 2.4.1-30) express themes of the tragicomic form, grace and nature, development of self-knowledge, justice and mercy, and creation and death as aspects of Angelo’s character. By the theme of the tragicomic form I mean that which â€Å"qualified extremes and promoted a balanced condition of mind [†¦] It employed a ‘mixed’ style, ‘mixed’ action, and ‘mixed’ charactersâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬Ëœpassing from side to side, it works amongst contraries, sweetly tempering their composition’.†(Guarini’s Compendio della Poesia Tragicomica (1601) cited in Lever lxi-lxii). I take Measure for Measure’s tragicomic form as its major theme, or perhaps meta-theme, because it reinforces the value of the via media, of moderation over zealotry. Angelo swings from one extreme to the other before, by the play’s conclusion, prompted by the orchestrations of the duke, he adopts a middle way. In Angelo’s first two soliloquies we see him transition from believing himself immune to earthly love (2.3.185-186) to believing he is ruled by his blood (2.4.15). This transition suggests a theme of development of self-knowledge. In the first soliloquy Angelo refers to himself as a saint (2.2.179) and speaks of physical love in a condemning tone (2.2.173). In the second soliloquy Angelo has adjusted his self-image (2.4.16) to be consistent with his experience, and he describes his experience of love without spending equal time condemning it. He realizes he took sinful pride in his severity (2.4.9-10), and now compares that quality with an idle plume in a capâ€â€an aspect of appearance, not being. Development of self-knowledge does not show up clearly in other characters however... between them, was virtue. This signified a beneficent use of natural function which merited the gift of grace as a concomitant; correspondingly, it implied a ‘going forth’ of grace which might comprehend the conscientious payment of nature’s debt. [†¦] Throughout the main action, however, the properties of grace and nature are dissociated and juxtaposed. ‘Strict restraint’ and ‘immoderate use’, the distorted attitudes of convent and brothel, of precisian and libertine, are presented as jarring disparates inducing a process of psychic disruption. In the absence of virtue as a moderator, sexual function turns into the abuse of lechery [†¦] At the spiritual level, excessive zeal is corrupted to pride [†¦] Most alarming of all, there are the sudden slips from level to level, landslides of the soul which transform zealot into lecher and saint into sadist. (lxxii-lxxiii)
Monday, November 11, 2019
Listening Skill
Listening skills are very important in everyday life. One must understand what people are saying and what is happening around them. In order for this to be done effectively, one must be an active listener. This is achieved when the listener is listening for meaning; when the listener checks if the statement has been heard and understood correctly. The goal of this is to improve mutual understanding. Many people believe that listening skills are taught when in elementary school or during childhood.Truthfully, one can never really learn all the skills and apply them all the time. Many times people will be â€Å"listening†to someone talk but in their head will be thinking about something else, or even be distracted by something that is going on around them. Therefore, to become a better listener, one must make eye contact with the speaker, observe the speakers behaviour and body language and also paraphrase the speaker’s words and write them down as notes. Having good lis tening skills may come in helpful in a variety of situations.For example, during class, while taking notes, during a job interview, while interviewing a person, during counselling, while having a serious conversation with a friend or loved one, or while on the job, especially in a journalistic setting. In groups, listening skills may help attain better information and research or even assist in reaching a compromise or conclusion. Being a good listener has its benefits. By having good listening skills one can avoid having misunderstanding, resolve conflicts, get people to open up, and build trust.In order to develop pupils’ listening skill, teachers should make pupils listen to songs, rhymes and stories. To show their understanding of what they have heard, pupils can be asked to answer questions that require them to recall ideas, give details and even talk about the ideas heard. 1 Here, I will state the objectives, rationale and steps of the listening skill activity. a)Object ives of the activity By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to a)Listen to simple short stories and recall the names of people, animals and thing. b)Listen to simple short stories and recall the story-line by answering simpleWh-questions. c)Listen to simple short stories and shared feelings about the story. b)Rationale of the activity This activity all students to become active participants in the listening process rather than passive listeners. It encourages interaction by â€Å"live†listening and expose students to a variety of voices beside the teacher’s voice. It also develops their ability to listen well and become more independent learners. Pupils are able to reproduce their accuracy and refine their understanding of grammar and also develop their own vocabulary. c)Steps of the activity )Teacher asks pupils to listen to the short story in the CD player. b)Pupils listen to the story and teacher asks pupils on the character mentioned in the story. c)Pupil s listen to the short story for the second time. d) Teacher distributes the worksheets for the pupils to answer. 2 e)Pupils listen to the story again for the third time and answer the questions given in the worksheet. f)Teacher discusses answers with pupils and talks about the story. d)Sample of worksheet for listening activity Instruction : Listen to the short story and answer the questions. 1.How many large pots does the water bearer have? AHe has one large pot. BHe has two large pots. CHe has three large pots. 2. Where is the water bearer going? AHe is going to his friend’s house. BHe is going to the master’s house. CHe is going to the mistress’s house. 3. How many pots of water does he deliver? AHe delivers one and a half pails of water. BHe delivers two and a half pails of water. CHe delivers three and a half pails of water. 4. Who talked to the water bearer? AThe sun talked to the water bearer. BThe flowers talked to the water bearer.CThe cracked pot talke d to the water bearer. 5. Why did the cracked pot feel ashamed? AHis pot was empty. BHis pot was full of water. CHis pot was only half full of water. 6. What did the cracked pot do along the way? AHe looked at the green grass. BHe looked some small stones. CHe looked at the wild flowers. 7. Who planted the seed? AThe water bearer. BThe cracked pot. C The water bearer’s master 8. Who watered the wild flowers? AThe master watered the wild flowers. BThe water bearer watered the wild flowers. CThe cracked pot watered the wild flowers. 9. What did the cracked pot see along the path? AHe saw the sun and grass.BHe saw the sun and wild flowers. CHe saw the wild flowers and the master. 4 10. What did the water bearer do with the wild flowers? AHe decorated the master’s room. BHe decorated the master’s table. CHe decorated the master’s kitchen. e)Examples of responses, the evaluation criteria and marks allocation for assessing students’ responses During the activity, the student listens to a passage instead of reading it. Since listening performance is strongly influenced by motivation and memory, the passages are carefully chosen so that it is short and interesting.While listening the student have to answer 10 multiple-choice questions that address various levels of literal and inferential comprehension. The multiple-choice questions are focus on the passage listened by the students from the CD player. After the activity, the answers for the multiple-choice questions are given to the students. For each correct answer, the students will be given 2 marks so if the students get all questions correct, he or she will get 20 marks. 5 f)Assessment criteria and distribution of marks related to the specific objective of activity Rubrics of listening activityBANDS| EXCELLENT| SATISFACTORY| WEAK| VERY WEAK| SCORES| 16 – 20| 11 – 15| 6 – 10| 0 – 5| This worksheet contains 10 multiple-choice questions. Each correct item is awarded 2 marks. The maximum raw score a student can achieve on the worksheet is 20 marks. There are four criteria of band for the listening activity. The band starts from very weak, weak, satisfactory and excellent. Each band represents a score of 5 marks. 6 SPEAKING SKILL According to the Oxford Dictionary of Current English (2009), speaking is the action of conveying information or expressing ones thoughts and feelings in spoken languages.Chaney (1998), however, considered speaking a process of building and sharing meaning through the use of verbal or non-verbal symbols in variety of contexts. Sharing the same viewpoint, Flores (1999) added that speaking is an interactive process, which consists of three main stages which are producing, receiving and processing information. In language teaching and learning, speaking is considered a skill to practise and master. In the light, Nunan (2003) put it that speaking is the productive oral skill.It consists of producing systematic ve rbal utterance to convey meaning. Bygate (1987) investigated the distinction between knowledge and skill in speaking lesson, which he considered as crucial in the teaching of speaking. Indeed, to be a good learner of speaking, studying knowledge of grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, intonation, etc, is not enough but the skill to use this knowledge to communicate successfully is indispensable. In the classroom, pupils should be given lots of opportunities to talk in class so that they gain confidence to speak in the language.Opportunities should be given to pupils to role-play, participate in drama activities that make them use the language suitable for the role or situation. In this respect, pair or group work activities allow for all pupils to engage in speaking activities at the same time. Pupils should also be encouraged to talk in English to other pupils and teachers in school. Here, I will state the objectives, rationale and steps of the speaking skill activity. a)Objectives of the activity By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to a)Retell stories heard before with expression. )Talk about the actions of people, animals or things in the story heard or read. c)Give reasons why one likes or dislike the story.7 b)Rationale of the activity This activity helps student to increase their academic knowledge and encourages their intellectual curiosity. Speaking activity also strengthens the ability to analyse and evaluate topics of interest and fosters independent learning. It also promotes awareness of the need for opinions coupled with knowledge and it involves the process of careful thought prior to reaching a conclusion or making a decision to dopt a belief or course of action. Not forgetting where it also promotes critical thinking of the students. c)Steps of the activity a)Teacher asks pupils to read the short story, The Cracked Pot. b)Pupils read and understand the story. c)Teacher asks pupil to summarize the story in their own word. d) Teacher a sks a few wh-questions to the pupils based on the story. e)Pupils give reason why the like or dislike the characters or story.d)Sample of worksheet for speaking activity Instruction :Retold the story read. :Answer a few questions based on the story. Tell ones’ like or dislikes. Example of questions : 1. How many large pots does the water bearer have? 2. Where is the water bearer going? 3. How many pots of water does he deliver? 8 4. Who talked to the water bearer? 5. Why did the cracked pot feel ashamed? 6. What did the cracked pot do along the way? 7. Who planted the seed? e)Examples of responses, the evaluation criteria and marks allocation for assessing students’ responses During the activity, the pupils read the short story, The Cracked Pot given by teacher.Then, the teacher asks pupils to retell the story using their own word. Teacher allocates marks when pupils retold the story. After that, teacher asks a few questions based on the story. Finally, teacher asks th e pupils whether they like or dislike the story. For each activity, marks are awarded based on their fluency, grammar and pronunciation. The marks given are according to the marks given. f)Assessment criteria and distribution of marks related to the specific objective of activity Rubrics of listening activity ACHIEVEMET| SCORE| CONSTRUCT| BAND DESCRIPTORS|EXCELLENT| 12 – 15| Grammar & Vocabulary| – Excellent use of sentence structures to convey intended meaning effectively- Correct and accurate use of grammatical structures- Interesting expression used Appropriately| | | Pronunciation& Intonation| – Excellent pronunciation and intonation to convey intended meaning correctly- Very clear articulation, enunciation and word stress| | | Fluency & Rhythm| – Very fluent speech- Very smooth flow of coherent ideas presented through the effective use of discourse markers| | | Ethics & Mannerism| – Respond with excellent mannerism using polite expressions and utterances- Show interest and enthusiasm| GOOD| 8 – 11 | Grammar & Vocabulary| – Correct use of sentence structures to convey intended meaning effectively – Correct use of grammatical structures- Good control of language in terms of the range of vocabulary and expressions used with minor slips that do not disrupt meaning| | |Pronunciation& Intonation| – Correct pronunciation and intonation most of the time with occasional slips- Very clear articulation, enunciation and word stress| | | Fluency & Rhythm| – Fluent speech with occasional pauses- Smooth flow of coherent ideas presented through the effective use of discourse markers| | | Ethics & Mannerism| – Respond with good and appropriate mannerism using polite expressions and utterances- Show some interest and nthusiasm| SATISFACTORY| 4 – 7| Grammar & Vocabulary| – Satisfactory use of sentence structures with some errors but meaning is generally clear- Adequate use of language with some grammatical errors but meaning is mostly clear- Fair control of language in terms of vocabulary and expressions, meaning is generally understood although there are some mistakes| | | Pronunciation& Intonation| – Satisfactory pronunciation and intonation with some words wrongly pronounced but meaning is not distorted- Satisfactory articulation, enunciation and word stress| | | Fluency & Rhythm| – Very fluent speech- Very smooth flow of coherent ideas presented through the effective use of discourse markers| | |Ethics & Mannerism| – Respond with satisfactory Mannerism using a few polite expressions and utterances- Show a little interest and enthusiasm| WEAK| 1 – 3| Grammar & Vocabulary| – Minimal use of sentence structures with consistent errors which distort meaning- Excessive grammatical errors which distort meaning| | | Pronunciation& Intonation| – Poor pronunciation and intonation but meaning may or may not be distorted- Attempt to articulate but flawed by poor pronunciation and word stress| | |Fluency & Rhythm| – Lack fluency with minimal or no utterance- Minimal or no flow of ideas| | | Ethics & Mannerism| – Respond impolitely and in an inappropriate manner- Show no interest and enthusiasm| In this activity, students are awarded marks based in the speaking skills. The maximum raw score a student can achieve is 15 marks. There are four main criteria in speaking rubrics. They are weak, satisfactory, good and excellent. APPENDIX The Cracked Pot – A Short Story A water bearer in India had two large pots, each hung on each end of a pole, which he carried across his neck.One of the pots had a crack in it, and while the other pot was perfect and always delivered a full portion of water at the end of the long walk from the stream to the master's house, the cracked pot arrived only half full. For a full two years, this went on daily, with the bearer delivering only one and a half pots full of water in his master's house. Of course, the perfect pot was proud of its accomplishments, perfect to the end for which it was made. But the poor cracked pot was ashamed of its own imperfection, and miserable that it was able to accomplish only half of what it had been made to do. After two years of what it perceived to see as a bitter failure, it spoke to the water bearer one day by the stream. â€Å"I am ashamed of myself, and I want to apologize to you. â€Å"â€Å"Why? †asked the bearer. What are you ashamed of? †â€Å"I have been able, for these past two years, to deliver only half my load because this crack in my side causes water to leak out all the way back to your master's house. Because of my flaws, you have to do all of this work, and you don't get full value from your efforts,†the pot said. The water bearer felt sorry for the old cracked pot, and in his compassion he said, â€Å"As we return to the master's house, I want you to notice the beauti ful flowers along the path. †Indeed, as they went up the hill, the old cracked pot took notice of the sun warming the beautiful wild flowers on the side of the path, and this cheered it some.But at the end of the trail, it still felt bad because it had leaked out half its load, and so again it apologized to the bearer for its failure. The bearer said to the pot, â€Å"Did you notice that there were flowers only on your side of your path, but not on the other pot's side? That's because I have always known about your flaw, and I took advantage of it. I planted flower seeds on your side of the path, and every day while we walk back from the stream, you've watered them. For two years I have been able to pick these beautiful flowers to decorate my master's table. Without you being just the way you are, he would not have this beauty to grace his house. 14
Saturday, November 9, 2019
But These Things Also Essay
‘But these things also’ brings â€Å"to the centre of attention what has previously overlooked†, as Judy Kendall writes. Thomas explores his fascination with the unimportant in this poem and looks at the connection and merging together of Spring and Winter. Much like his other poetry, here, Thomas struggles to put his finger on precisely what he means. This is shown by his inability to separate and distinguish between the two seasons. The poem begins with the first two lines focussing on Spring, however, by following this with two lines focussing on Winter, Thomas explodes our first expectations of usual ‘spring poetry’ of bright and beautiful images. Instead, he catches the limbo between the two seasons and we are presented with the idea of the grass being ‘long dead’ and ‘greyer now’. This pessimistic tone is not what one usually connotes with springtime, but with the cold and bleak winter. By putting the images of the two seasons so close together in this stanza, Thomas reinforces his presentation of their connection. The last line of the stanza, ‘than all the winter it was’, changes the natural syntax of the words. The stress focuses of ‘it was’, emphasising what has past, which creates a sense of longing, introducing the idea that, like in ‘March’, Thomas is desperate to find ‘the key’ the last two lines of the first stanza finish with the words ‘now and ‘was’, bringing together images of the movement of time and emphasising the gap between the present and the past and importantly, Thomas’s focus on that gap. The second stanza uses inscape to look at things, which are seemingly unimportant. These things show the remains of winter, therefore connecting the seasons further. Once again, Thomas alters the syntax of the words to create a more beautified image.’ The word ‘bleached’ would usually have a much more negative connotation of fading and perhaps even the loss of hope, however By placing the word at the end of the first line and after the word ‘little’ he takes away the harshness of the sound and makes it more delicate and gentle. As well as this, Tomas’s use of enjambment stresses the soft ‘L’ sounds in ‘the shell of the little snail’, which further emphasises the smoothness of the words. Following this, the sexural pause halfway along the second line, highlights the plosive sounds on the image of the ‘chip of flint’. This draws our attention to the minute details, which Thomas considers and accentuates the signs that spring is not quite here yet. By observing nature in this much detail, we see how valuable Thomas considers it to be, it creates a sense that although these things are small and often overlooked, they are significant. The final image in this stanza is of the ‘purest white’ bird dung. At first it appears odd to be beautifying such a thing as bird dung, but by following it with the words ‘purest white’, Thomas introduces an idea of innocence and positivity, as well as a contrast with the previous image of something ‘greyer now’. This brief glimmer of hope however, is shattered in the next stanza. In stanza three, the image of ‘white’ no longer has positive connotations, but it feels as if Thomas could be referring to the relationship between the colour white and death. This instantly darkens the tone and the notion of mistaking bird dung for violets presents the idea that Thomas is truly desperate for any indication of spring’s arrival. The following violent images of ‘winter’s ruins’ and ‘winter’s debts’ create an oppressive feeling which moves further from the previous idea of hope. Continuing the pattern of Thomas’s other poetry, the word ‘something’ appears ambiguous and vague, creating a sense that Thomas still isn’t quite clear on what it is we are paying ‘winter’s debts’ with. The final stanza of ‘But these things also’ begins to fill us with hope once more. The ‘chattering’ birds create a sense of rising morale and the idea of keeping their ‘spirits up’ sounds optimistic. Despite this, when we eventually think that Thomas is going to make a definitive statement, ‘spring’s here’ he reintroduces the feeling of ambiguity with the words ‘winter’s not gone’. This leaves the poem with a sense of not knowing and uncertainty. This reminds us of Thomas’s tendency to never give absolutes and that he likes balancing a positive idea with a negative. This paradox leaves us with the idea that the winter is preventing the spring from arriving. Throughout the poem, there is a regular rhythm, given by the Iambic Tetrameter, which is occasionally shortened to show the indecisive and unclear seasons. There is never a climax during this poem due to it all being one long sentence. Robert’s talks about Thomas’s use of enjambment and fluidity, which gives a sense of him thinking and working through his thoughts.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Zimmermann Note essays
Zimmermann Note essays Before the United States had entered World War I, Nationalism, Imperialism, Militarism, and the Alliance System were factors of the First World War. France, Great Britain, and Russia were known as the Triple Entente, Allies. Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire were called the Triple Alliance, also known as the Central Powers. The United States had declared it self-neutral, not taking any sides. Later, as the war goes on, the United States had entered the war because of the British Blockade, German U-boats, and the Zimmermann Note, also called the Zimmermann Telegraph. The Zimmermann Note is the actual set off the United States involvement in the First World War. On January 16, 1917, German Foreign Minister Arthur Zimmermann sent a telegram from the German government to the German Ambassador of Mexico. The Telegram was encrypted, using numerical numbers as its code so other countries would not know of what it says. The telegram, however, was intercepted by British Intelligence. British Intelligence had easily decoded the message. In the telegram it had stated, "We intend to begin on the first of February unrestricted submarine warfare. We shall endeavor in spite of this to keep the United States of America neutral. In the event of this not succeeding, we make Mexico a proposal or alliance on the following basis: make war together, make peace together, generous financial support and an understanding on our part that Mexico is to reconquer the lost territory in Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. The settlement in detail is left to you. You will inform the President of the above most secretly as soon as the outbreak of war with the United States of America is certain and add the suggestion that he should, on his own initiative, invite Japan to immediate adherence and at the same time mediate between Japan and ourselves. Please call the President's attention to the fact that the ruthless employm ...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
How To Structure Your Marketing Team To Create The Best Content
How To Structure Your Marketing Team To Create The Best Content When people like doing something, it shows in their work. Heck, built its entire team based on that idea: And when it comes to your content, you want people who are passionate about it working on it- every step of the way. Building the ideal content marketing team structure means finding the right person for each step of the process. So how can you get the best content from your marketing team by identifying what they want to do most? How To Structure Your Marketing Team To Create The Best Content via @KristiHinesDefine Roles For Every Person Who Participates In Content Marketing Each person in your content marketing team structure should have a role. Let's be clear: Roles aren't titles. People on your existing team can- and should- serve in these roles. For smaller businesses, there may be one person with multiple roles, but when those content marketing roles are defined, the process will be smoother. Here are the primary roles in the content marketing team structure. Try these 8 marketing team roles to create the best content1. Content marketing strategists Content marketing strategists set the stage for the entire content marketing operation. Your strategists help the entire content marketing team understand your audience (most likely in the form of personas), the topics you'll cover (based on your content core) and how you'll measure success. 2. Content strategists If content marketing strategists lay out a game plan, the content strategists are responsible for directing the team to execute the plan. Content strategists focus on the audience and topics, and determine the best content, channels and overall ways to connect your content marketing with your customers. 3. Idea contributors Do you know people who have a million ideas in their head, but may not have the time to create content or the desire to do so? These folks have lots of great ideas when it comes to the topics that people might enjoy reading about. These are your ideal idea contributors. The best part about idea contributors is that they don't have to be limited to people inside your content marketing team structure. Idea contributors are everyone from your customer support techs to your CEO. Unless they express interest in creating content, you shouldn't pressure them to do so. Instead, just invite them to share their ideas for others to develop. Make it easy for idea contributors by giving them access to a shared Google spreadsheet or letting them email a specific member in the content marketing team structure. Let them contribute as little information (such as a topic idea or content title) or as much information (topic idea plus outline or main points) as they want. The simpler you make the process, the more ideas you can get for the content creators on your team. The simpler you make it to submit content ideas, the more you'll get from your thought leaders.4. Content writers Content writers are the people who use their creativity and knowledge to develop various types of content. With the support of idea contributors, content creators never have to fear the dreaded "writer's block" syndrome. And with the support of content editors, they don't have to focus on the technical aspects of writing- they can just let their ideas flow. 5. Content editors Content editors are the people in your content marketing team structure who use their technical writing skills to refine content created by your content creators. They are the people who may not have a steady stream of topic ideas or a willingness to write tons of content. But they can ensure that each piece of content flows well and is free of spelling and grammatical errors. They also manage the editorial calendar to ensure that content is published on a regular basis. 6. Content promoters Content promoters spread your content far and wide after it goes live. Anyone in your company with a social media account can do the simple promotion of sharing your content with their network. In addition to simple content promoters, you should have someone who handles the full promotion of each piece of content. Full promotion includes sharing content on the company's social networks, sending the content out to newsletter subscribers, reaching out to other blogs that might be interested in linking to the content, and so on. 7. Graphic Designers Strong visual communicators are invaluable for content marketing. Sure, you can create graphics using a variety of free tools. However, they are not a replacement for a skilled graphic designer. Content teams tend to have heavy visual design needs. That means designers carry a heavy load. Some of the assets they create include: Website images Blog post graphics Social media graphics (post images, cover photos, etc.) E-book covers Presentation slide graphics Infographics Print collateral (brochures, flyers, etc.) That's just a short list of examples. A great designer will ensure your content maintains a consistent brand identity across all your content. 8. Community managers Community managers help manage the engagement around your content, including comments and social media posts. They will respond to comments, moderate spam and thank those who share your content. Having a dedicated community manager for your blog will help you grow a loyal community of readers and people who love to share your content. 9. Content analysts There should be someone who takes the time to review the analytics for your content. This person will look at traffic, social shares, engagement, search rankings and conversions to determine which pieces of content perform best for your business. They will use this data to suggest the best topics, optimal times to publish and strongest content creators. 10. Videographers / Video editors You've probably heard the hype around video content marketing. Believe it. The value and growth of video marketing is only set to increase. These folks will shoot and edit video for social media, blog posts, your website, YouTube (and other video hosting and sharing sites), and more. Shooting live video for social media is also an important skill. Content Creators Are Linchpins In Your Content Marketing Team Structure While every role is essential for a successful content marketing team structure, content creators take on a bulk of the workload. There are tons of different types of content creators that you should have in your content marketing team structure. Here are a few ways to make sure each content creator is doing what they love. Who's the best at creating certain content formats? Not all content creators are writers, nor should they be. You will want to enlist the help of content creators who can handle different types of content including text, graphics (blog graphics and infographics), audio (podcasts) and video (screencasts and on-camera). When you have content creators to cover all of the content formats your content strategist recommends you use, you can create robust pieces of content that include different formats to appeal to different learners. For example, you could have a tutorial post that includes great screenshots and video screencasts. You could have videos with optional MP3 downloads. Think of ways to mix and match your content, and you'll appeal to those who prefer to read, listen and watch. Focus on your marketing team's strengths. Not all content creators are created equal. Some may have particular strengths, all of which are important to your content development. Here are a few strengths to look for within your content creators: Researching Some people love data. They love digging into analytics to identify specific trends that lead to specific results. They love hunting for convincing statistics. They love conducting experiments. They love keeping tabs on your competitors to see what content topics perform best for them. These people are the researchers on your team. They can help you create in-depth content, such as reports, white papers and e-books. They can also boost the value of the content created by other team members by backing up advice with the data needed to convince readers to take action. Storytelling Storytelling is not a gift that every content creator has tucked away under their belt. But it's an important aspect that can help people relate to your content, even in a boring industry. Educating Those that love to teach will enjoy creating the educational content. Educational content includes how-to posts, guides and e-books. Interviewing Interviews make for great content because you can bring in viewpoints from outside your company. In addition, you can generally rely on the interviewee to promote your content, exposing it to a new audience. Having someone with interviewing skills in your content marketing team structure is a definite plus! Assign content creation based on your marketing team's interests. While most people can write about several different topics, many have topics they are passionate about. Harness your team's passion to create the best content.Those who write about the topics they love and know like the back of their hand are going to create superb content that your audience is going to love. If you can find someone on your content creation team to cover each of the main topic areas for your blog and other content types, they will automatically become your company's "expert" on that topic. Who on your marketing team knows your audience the best? Do you have multiple personas defined for your content marketing strategy? For example, maybe you have a great tool for businesses and thus write content geared towards CEOs, project managers and potential product users. If so, then you might want to know which of these audiences your content creators want to write for. How To Find Out Your Marketing Team's Interests Now that know what you need to identify from the members of your content marketing team, here's how to do it. Google Forms is the perfect tool because it is free to use and will collect the data you need in one place. To get started, go to Google Drive, log in to your Google account, and click the "New" button. Select "Google Forms", which is sometimes under the "More" popout. First, name your survey. Then you will add questions to help you classify what roles each person in your content marketing team would like to pursue, their strengths, their interests, their preferred content formats and their audience. Once completed, your form should look similar to this. Once you finish, you will click the "Send Form" button. Google Drive will give you the link to share your survey, along with the option to enter email addresses to send the survey to. When you visit Google Drive, you will see two files: "Your Survey" and "Your Survey (Responses)". The responses file is a spreadsheet where survey answers are recorded. This spreadsheet will be your go-to resource when you decide how to organize your content marketing team structure. Once you receive all of the responses, you should know who wants to fill specific roles in your content marketing team, what type of content the content creators want to develop, and who will handle editing, promotion and analytics. As you gain new employees, you can send the survey to them to see if they would be interested in being a part of your content marketing team as well. Your Next Step: Structure Your Team To Create Better Content By allowing your content marketing team to focus on the things they do best and the topics they are most passionate about, you will ensure that they are delivering the best content possible for your company. Be sure to survey your content marketing team today to see if you are using everyone's strengths and see what a difference it makes! What content marketing role do you serve on your team? How To Structure Internal And External Content Teams (From Our CEO, Garrett Moon) In order to build the world's best all-in-one content marketing calendar (yep!),  needs to understand how modern blogging teams work. So, the team called, emailed, and Googled its way to understanding. The results are valuable. Content marketing and editorial teams are diverse, but 's research concluded that there are really only two major types of team structures, and then two minor ones that branch off from there. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of these teams makes a huge difference in how you manage and organize your own writing team. How To Structure Your Marketing Team To Create The Best Content When people like doing something, it shows in their work. Heck, built its entire team based on that idea: And when it comes to your content, you want people who are passionate about it working on it- every step of the way. Building the ideal content marketing team structure means finding the right person for each step of the process. So how can you get the best content from your marketing team by identifying what they want to do most? How To Structure Your Marketing Team To Create The Best Content via @KristiHinesDefine Roles For Every Person Who Participates In Content Marketing Each person in your content marketing team structure should have a role. Let's be clear: Roles aren't titles. People on your existing team can- and should- serve in these roles. For smaller businesses, there may be one person with multiple roles, but when those content marketing roles are defined, the process will be smoother. Here are the primary roles in the content marketing team structure. Try these 8 marketing team roles to create the best content1. Content marketing strategists Content marketing strategists set the stage for the entire content marketing operation. Your strategists help the entire content marketing team understand your audience (most likely in the form of personas), the topics you'll cover (based on your content core) and how you'll measure success. 2. Content strategists If content marketing strategists lay out a game plan, the content strategists are responsible for directing the team to execute the plan. Content strategists focus on the audience and topics, and determine the best content, channels and overall ways to connect your content marketing with your customers. 3. Idea contributors Do you know people who have a million ideas in their head, but may not have the time to create content or the desire to do so? These folks have lots of great ideas when it comes to the topics that people might enjoy reading about. These are your ideal idea contributors. The best part about idea contributors is that they don't have to be limited to people inside your content marketing team structure. Idea contributors are everyone from your customer support techs to your CEO. Unless they express interest in creating content, you shouldn't pressure them to do so. Instead, just invite them to share their ideas for others to develop. Make it easy for idea contributors by giving them access to a shared Google spreadsheet or letting them email a specific member in the content marketing team structure. Let them contribute as little information (such as a topic idea or content title) or as much information (topic idea plus outline or main points) as they want. The simpler you make the process, the more ideas you can get for the content creators on your team. The simpler you make it to submit content ideas, the more you'll get from your thought leaders.4. Content writers Content writers are the people who use their creativity and knowledge to develop various types of content. With the support of idea contributors, content creators never have to fear the dreaded "writer's block" syndrome. And with the support of content editors, they don't have to focus on the technical aspects of writing- they can just let their ideas flow. 5. Content editors Content editors are the people in your content marketing team structure who use their technical writing skills to refine content created by your content creators. They are the people who may not have a steady stream of topic ideas or a willingness to write tons of content. But they can ensure that each piece of content flows well and is free of spelling and grammatical errors. They also manage the editorial calendar to ensure that content is published on a regular basis. 6. Content promoters Content promoters spread your content far and wide after it goes live. Anyone in your company with a social media account can do the simple promotion of sharing your content with their network. In addition to simple content promoters, you should have someone who handles the full promotion of each piece of content. Full promotion includes sharing content on the company's social networks, sending the content out to newsletter subscribers, reaching out to other blogs that might be interested in linking to the content, and so on. 7. Graphic Designers Strong visual communicators are invaluable for content marketing. Sure, you can create graphics using a variety of free tools. However, they are not a replacement for a skilled graphic designer. Content teams tend to have heavy visual design needs. That means designers carry a heavy load. Some of the assets they create include: Website images Blog post graphics Social media graphics (post images, cover photos, etc.) E-book covers Presentation slide graphics Infographics Print collateral (brochures, flyers, etc.) That's just a short list of examples. A great designer will ensure your content maintains a consistent brand identity across all your content. 8. Community managers Community managers help manage the engagement around your content, including comments and social media posts. They will respond to comments, moderate spam and thank those who share your content. Having a dedicated community manager for your blog will help you grow a loyal community of readers and people who love to share your content. 9. Content analysts There should be someone who takes the time to review the analytics for your content. This person will look at traffic, social shares, engagement, search rankings and conversions to determine which pieces of content perform best for your business. They will use this data to suggest the best topics, optimal times to publish and strongest content creators. 10. Videographers / Video editors You've probably heard the hype around video content marketing. Believe it. The value and growth of video marketing is only set to increase. These folks will shoot and edit video for social media, blog posts, your website, YouTube (and other video hosting and sharing sites), and more. Shooting live video for social media is also an important skill. Content Creators Are Linchpins In Your Content Marketing Team Structure While every role is essential for a successful content marketing team structure, content creators take on a bulk of the workload. There are tons of different types of content creators that you should have in your content marketing team structure. Here are a few ways to make sure each content creator is doing what they love. Who's the best at creating certain content formats? Not all content creators are writers, nor should they be. You will want to enlist the help of content creators who can handle different types of content including text, graphics (blog graphics and infographics), audio (podcasts) and video (screencasts and on-camera). When you have content creators to cover all of the content formats your content strategist recommends you use, you can create robust pieces of content that include different formats to appeal to different learners. For example, you could have a tutorial post that includes great screenshots and video screencasts. You could have videos with optional MP3 downloads. Think of ways to mix and match your content, and you'll appeal to those who prefer to read, listen and watch. Focus on your marketing team's strengths. Not all content creators are created equal. Some may have particular strengths, all of which are important to your content development. Here are a few strengths to look for within your content creators: Researching Some people love data. They love digging into analytics to identify specific trends that lead to specific results. They love hunting for convincing statistics. They love conducting experiments. They love keeping tabs on your competitors to see what content topics perform best for them. These people are the researchers on your team. They can help you create in-depth content, such as reports, white papers and e-books. They can also boost the value of the content created by other team members by backing up advice with the data needed to convince readers to take action. Storytelling Storytelling is not a gift that every content creator has tucked away under their belt. But it's an important aspect that can help people relate to your content, even in a boring industry. Educating Those that love to teach will enjoy creating the educational content. Educational content includes how-to posts, guides and e-books. Interviewing Interviews make for great content because you can bring in viewpoints from outside your company. In addition, you can generally rely on the interviewee to promote your content, exposing it to a new audience. Having someone with interviewing skills in your content marketing team structure is a definite plus! Assign content creation based on your marketing team's interests. While most people can write about several different topics, many have topics they are passionate about. Harness your team's passion to create the best content.Those who write about the topics they love and know like the back of their hand are going to create superb content that your audience is going to love. If you can find someone on your content creation team to cover each of the main topic areas for your blog and other content types, they will automatically become your company's "expert" on that topic. Who on your marketing team knows your audience the best? Do you have multiple personas defined for your content marketing strategy? For example, maybe you have a great tool for businesses and thus write content geared towards CEOs, project managers and potential product users. If so, then you might want to know which of these audiences your content creators want to write for. How To Find Out Your Marketing Team's Interests Now that know what you need to identify from the members of your content marketing team, here's how to do it. Google Forms is the perfect tool because it is free to use and will collect the data you need in one place. To get started, go to Google Drive, log in to your Google account, and click the "New" button. Select "Google Forms", which is sometimes under the "More" popout. First, name your survey. Then you will add questions to help you classify what roles each person in your content marketing team would like to pursue, their strengths, their interests, their preferred content formats and their audience. Once completed, your form should look similar to this. Once you finish, you will click the "Send Form" button. Google Drive will give you the link to share your survey, along with the option to enter email addresses to send the survey to. When you visit Google Drive, you will see two files: "Your Survey" and "Your Survey (Responses)". The responses file is a spreadsheet where survey answers are recorded. This spreadsheet will be your go-to resource when you decide how to organize your content marketing team structure. Once you receive all of the responses, you should know who wants to fill specific roles in your content marketing team, what type of content the content creators want to develop, and who will handle editing, promotion and analytics. As you gain new employees, you can send the survey to them to see if they would be interested in being a part of your content marketing team as well. Your Next Step: Structure Your Team To Create Better Content By allowing your content marketing team to focus on the things they do best and the topics they are most passionate about, you will ensure that they are delivering the best content possible for your company. Be sure to survey your content marketing team today to see if you are using everyone's strengths and see what a difference it makes! What content marketing role do you serve on your team? How To Structure Internal And External Content Teams (From Our CEO, Garrett Moon) In order to build the world's best all-in-one content marketing calendar (yep!),  needs to understand how modern blogging teams work. So, the team called, emailed, and Googled its way to understanding. The results are valuable. Content marketing and editorial teams are diverse, but 's research concluded that there are really only two major types of team structures, and then two minor ones that branch off from there. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of these teams makes a huge difference in how you manage and organize your own writing team. How To Structure Your Marketing Team To Create The Best Content When people like doing something, it shows in their work. Heck, built its entire team based on that idea: And when it comes to your content, you want people who are passionate about it working on it- every step of the way. Building the ideal content marketing team structure means finding the right person for each step of the process. So how can you get the best content from your marketing team by identifying what they want to do most? How To Structure Your Marketing Team To Create The Best Content via @KristiHinesDefine Roles For Every Person Who Participates In Content Marketing Each person in your content marketing team structure should have a role. Let's be clear: Roles aren't titles. People on your existing team can- and should- serve in these roles. For smaller businesses, there may be one person with multiple roles, but when those content marketing roles are defined, the process will be smoother. Here are the primary roles in the content marketing team structure. Try these 8 marketing team roles to create the best content1. Content marketing strategists Content marketing strategists set the stage for the entire content marketing operation. Your strategists help the entire content marketing team understand your audience (most likely in the form of personas), the topics you'll cover (based on your content core) and how you'll measure success. 2. Content strategists If content marketing strategists lay out a game plan, the content strategists are responsible for directing the team to execute the plan. Content strategists focus on the audience and topics, and determine the best content, channels and overall ways to connect your content marketing with your customers. 3. Idea contributors Do you know people who have a million ideas in their head, but may not have the time to create content or the desire to do so? These folks have lots of great ideas when it comes to the topics that people might enjoy reading about. These are your ideal idea contributors. The best part about idea contributors is that they don't have to be limited to people inside your content marketing team structure. Idea contributors are everyone from your customer support techs to your CEO. Unless they express interest in creating content, you shouldn't pressure them to do so. Instead, just invite them to share their ideas for others to develop. Make it easy for idea contributors by giving them access to a shared Google spreadsheet or letting them email a specific member in the content marketing team structure. Let them contribute as little information (such as a topic idea or content title) or as much information (topic idea plus outline or main points) as they want. The simpler you make the process, the more ideas you can get for the content creators on your team. The simpler you make it to submit content ideas, the more you'll get from your thought leaders.4. Content writers Content writers are the people who use their creativity and knowledge to develop various types of content. With the support of idea contributors, content creators never have to fear the dreaded "writer's block" syndrome. And with the support of content editors, they don't have to focus on the technical aspects of writing- they can just let their ideas flow. 5. Content editors Content editors are the people in your content marketing team structure who use their technical writing skills to refine content created by your content creators. They are the people who may not have a steady stream of topic ideas or a willingness to write tons of content. But they can ensure that each piece of content flows well and is free of spelling and grammatical errors. They also manage the editorial calendar to ensure that content is published on a regular basis. 6. Content promoters Content promoters spread your content far and wide after it goes live. Anyone in your company with a social media account can do the simple promotion of sharing your content with their network. In addition to simple content promoters, you should have someone who handles the full promotion of each piece of content. Full promotion includes sharing content on the company's social networks, sending the content out to newsletter subscribers, reaching out to other blogs that might be interested in linking to the content, and so on. 7. Graphic Designers Strong visual communicators are invaluable for content marketing. Sure, you can create graphics using a variety of free tools. However, they are not a replacement for a skilled graphic designer. Content teams tend to have heavy visual design needs. That means designers carry a heavy load. Some of the assets they create include: Website images Blog post graphics Social media graphics (post images, cover photos, etc.) E-book covers Presentation slide graphics Infographics Print collateral (brochures, flyers, etc.) That's just a short list of examples. A great designer will ensure your content maintains a consistent brand identity across all your content. 8. Community managers Community managers help manage the engagement around your content, including comments and social media posts. They will respond to comments, moderate spam and thank those who share your content. Having a dedicated community manager for your blog will help you grow a loyal community of readers and people who love to share your content. 9. Content analysts There should be someone who takes the time to review the analytics for your content. This person will look at traffic, social shares, engagement, search rankings and conversions to determine which pieces of content perform best for your business. They will use this data to suggest the best topics, optimal times to publish and strongest content creators. 10. Videographers / Video editors You've probably heard the hype around video content marketing. Believe it. The value and growth of video marketing is only set to increase. These folks will shoot and edit video for social media, blog posts, your website, YouTube (and other video hosting and sharing sites), and more. Shooting live video for social media is also an important skill. Content Creators Are Linchpins In Your Content Marketing Team Structure While every role is essential for a successful content marketing team structure, content creators take on a bulk of the workload. There are tons of different types of content creators that you should have in your content marketing team structure. Here are a few ways to make sure each content creator is doing what they love. Who's the best at creating certain content formats? Not all content creators are writers, nor should they be. You will want to enlist the help of content creators who can handle different types of content including text, graphics (blog graphics and infographics), audio (podcasts) and video (screencasts and on-camera). When you have content creators to cover all of the content formats your content strategist recommends you use, you can create robust pieces of content that include different formats to appeal to different learners. For example, you could have a tutorial post that includes great screenshots and video screencasts. You could have videos with optional MP3 downloads. Think of ways to mix and match your content, and you'll appeal to those who prefer to read, listen and watch. Focus on your marketing team's strengths. Not all content creators are created equal. Some may have particular strengths, all of which are important to your content development. Here are a few strengths to look for within your content creators: Researching Some people love data. They love digging into analytics to identify specific trends that lead to specific results. They love hunting for convincing statistics. They love conducting experiments. They love keeping tabs on your competitors to see what content topics perform best for them. These people are the researchers on your team. They can help you create in-depth content, such as reports, white papers and e-books. They can also boost the value of the content created by other team members by backing up advice with the data needed to convince readers to take action. Storytelling Storytelling is not a gift that every content creator has tucked away under their belt. But it's an important aspect that can help people relate to your content, even in a boring industry. Educating Those that love to teach will enjoy creating the educational content. Educational content includes how-to posts, guides and e-books. Interviewing Interviews make for great content because you can bring in viewpoints from outside your company. In addition, you can generally rely on the interviewee to promote your content, exposing it to a new audience. Having someone with interviewing skills in your content marketing team structure is a definite plus! Assign content creation based on your marketing team's interests. While most people can write about several different topics, many have topics they are passionate about. Harness your team's passion to create the best content.Those who write about the topics they love and know like the back of their hand are going to create superb content that your audience is going to love. If you can find someone on your content creation team to cover each of the main topic areas for your blog and other content types, they will automatically become your company's "expert" on that topic. Who on your marketing team knows your audience the best? Do you have multiple personas defined for your content marketing strategy? For example, maybe you have a great tool for businesses and thus write content geared towards CEOs, project managers and potential product users. If so, then you might want to know which of these audiences your content creators want to write for. How To Find Out Your Marketing Team's Interests Now that know what you need to identify from the members of your content marketing team, here's how to do it. Google Forms is the perfect tool because it is free to use and will collect the data you need in one place. To get started, go to Google Drive, log in to your Google account, and click the "New" button. Select "Google Forms", which is sometimes under the "More" popout. First, name your survey. Then you will add questions to help you classify what roles each person in your content marketing team would like to pursue, their strengths, their interests, their preferred content formats and their audience. Once completed, your form should look similar to this. Once you finish, you will click the "Send Form" button. Google Drive will give you the link to share your survey, along with the option to enter email addresses to send the survey to. When you visit Google Drive, you will see two files: "Your Survey" and "Your Survey (Responses)". The responses file is a spreadsheet where survey answers are recorded. This spreadsheet will be your go-to resource when you decide how to organize your content marketing team structure. Once you receive all of the responses, you should know who wants to fill specific roles in your content marketing team, what type of content the content creators want to develop, and who will handle editing, promotion and analytics. As you gain new employees, you can send the survey to them to see if they would be interested in being a part of your content marketing team as well. Your Next Step: Structure Your Team To Create Better Content By allowing your content marketing team to focus on the things they do best and the topics they are most passionate about, you will ensure that they are delivering the best content possible for your company. Be sure to survey your content marketing team today to see if you are using everyone's strengths and see what a difference it makes! What content marketing role do you serve on your team? How To Structure Internal And External Content Teams (From Our CEO, Garrett Moon) In order to build the world's best all-in-one content marketing calendar (yep!),  needs to understand how modern blogging teams work. So, the team called, emailed, and Googled its way to understanding. The results are valuable. Content marketing and editorial teams are diverse, but 's research concluded that there are really only two major types of team structures, and then two minor ones that branch off from there. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of these teams makes a huge difference in how you manage and organize your own writing team. How To Structure Your Marketing Team To Create The Best Content When people like doing something, it shows in their work. Heck, built its entire team based on that idea: And when it comes to your content, you want people who are passionate about it working on it- every step of the way. Building the ideal content marketing team structure means finding the right person for each step of the process. So how can you get the best content from your marketing team by identifying what they want to do most? How To Structure Your Marketing Team To Create The Best Content via @KristiHinesDefine Roles For Every Person Who Participates In Content Marketing Each person in your content marketing team structure should have a role. Let's be clear: Roles aren't titles. People on your existing team can- and should- serve in these roles. For smaller businesses, there may be one person with multiple roles, but when those content marketing roles are defined, the process will be smoother. Here are the primary roles in the content marketing team structure. Try these 8 marketing team roles to create the best content1. Content marketing strategists Content marketing strategists set the stage for the entire content marketing operation. Your strategists help the entire content marketing team understand your audience (most likely in the form of personas), the topics you'll cover (based on your content core) and how you'll measure success. 2. Content strategists If content marketing strategists lay out a game plan, the content strategists are responsible for directing the team to execute the plan. Content strategists focus on the audience and topics, and determine the best content, channels and overall ways to connect your content marketing with your customers. 3. Idea contributors Do you know people who have a million ideas in their head, but may not have the time to create content or the desire to do so? These folks have lots of great ideas when it comes to the topics that people might enjoy reading about. These are your ideal idea contributors. The best part about idea contributors is that they don't have to be limited to people inside your content marketing team structure. Idea contributors are everyone from your customer support techs to your CEO. Unless they express interest in creating content, you shouldn't pressure them to do so. Instead, just invite them to share their ideas for others to develop. Make it easy for idea contributors by giving them access to a shared Google spreadsheet or letting them email a specific member in the content marketing team structure. Let them contribute as little information (such as a topic idea or content title) or as much information (topic idea plus outline or main points) as they want. The simpler you make the process, the more ideas you can get for the content creators on your team. The simpler you make it to submit content ideas, the more you'll get from your thought leaders.4. Content writers Content writers are the people who use their creativity and knowledge to develop various types of content. With the support of idea contributors, content creators never have to fear the dreaded "writer's block" syndrome. And with the support of content editors, they don't have to focus on the technical aspects of writing- they can just let their ideas flow. 5. Content editors Content editors are the people in your content marketing team structure who use their technical writing skills to refine content created by your content creators. They are the people who may not have a steady stream of topic ideas or a willingness to write tons of content. But they can ensure that each piece of content flows well and is free of spelling and grammatical errors. They also manage the editorial calendar to ensure that content is published on a regular basis. 6. Content promoters Content promoters spread your content far and wide after it goes live. Anyone in your company with a social media account can do the simple promotion of sharing your content with their network. In addition to simple content promoters, you should have someone who handles the full promotion of each piece of content. Full promotion includes sharing content on the company's social networks, sending the content out to newsletter subscribers, reaching out to other blogs that might be interested in linking to the content, and so on. 7. Graphic Designers Strong visual communicators are invaluable for content marketing. Sure, you can create graphics using a variety of free tools. However, they are not a replacement for a skilled graphic designer. Content teams tend to have heavy visual design needs. That means designers carry a heavy load. Some of the assets they create include: Website images Blog post graphics Social media graphics (post images, cover photos, etc.) E-book covers Presentation slide graphics Infographics Print collateral (brochures, flyers, etc.) That's just a short list of examples. A great designer will ensure your content maintains a consistent brand identity across all your content. 8. Community managers Community managers help manage the engagement around your content, including comments and social media posts. They will respond to comments, moderate spam and thank those who share your content. Having a dedicated community manager for your blog will help you grow a loyal community of readers and people who love to share your content. 9. Content analysts There should be someone who takes the time to review the analytics for your content. This person will look at traffic, social shares, engagement, search rankings and conversions to determine which pieces of content perform best for your business. They will use this data to suggest the best topics, optimal times to publish and strongest content creators. 10. Videographers / Video editors You've probably heard the hype around video content marketing. Believe it. The value and growth of video marketing is only set to increase. These folks will shoot and edit video for social media, blog posts, your website, YouTube (and other video hosting and sharing sites), and more. Shooting live video for social media is also an important skill. Content Creators Are Linchpins In Your Content Marketing Team Structure While every role is essential for a successful content marketing team structure, content creators take on a bulk of the workload. There are tons of different types of content creators that you should have in your content marketing team structure. Here are a few ways to make sure each content creator is doing what they love. Who's the best at creating certain content formats? Not all content creators are writers, nor should they be. You will want to enlist the help of content creators who can handle different types of content including text, graphics (blog graphics and infographics), audio (podcasts) and video (screencasts and on-camera). When you have content creators to cover all of the content formats your content strategist recommends you use, you can create robust pieces of content that include different formats to appeal to different learners. For example, you could have a tutorial post that includes great screenshots and video screencasts. You could have videos with optional MP3 downloads. Think of ways to mix and match your content, and you'll appeal to those who prefer to read, listen and watch. Focus on your marketing team's strengths. Not all content creators are created equal. Some may have particular strengths, all of which are important to your content development. Here are a few strengths to look for within your content creators: Researching Some people love data. They love digging into analytics to identify specific trends that lead to specific results. They love hunting for convincing statistics. They love conducting experiments. They love keeping tabs on your competitors to see what content topics perform best for them. These people are the researchers on your team. They can help you create in-depth content, such as reports, white papers and e-books. They can also boost the value of the content created by other team members by backing up advice with the data needed to convince readers to take action. Storytelling Storytelling is not a gift that every content creator has tucked away under their belt. But it's an important aspect that can help people relate to your content, even in a boring industry. Educating Those that love to teach will enjoy creating the educational content. Educational content includes how-to posts, guides and e-books. Interviewing Interviews make for great content because you can bring in viewpoints from outside your company. In addition, you can generally rely on the interviewee to promote your content, exposing it to a new audience. Having someone with interviewing skills in your content marketing team structure is a definite plus! Assign content creation based on your marketing team's interests. While most people can write about several different topics, many have topics they are passionate about. Harness your team's passion to create the best content.Those who write about the topics they love and know like the back of their hand are going to create superb content that your audience is going to love. If you can find someone on your content creation team to cover each of the main topic areas for your blog and other content types, they will automatically become your company's "expert" on that topic. Who on your marketing team knows your audience the best? Do you have multiple personas defined for your content marketing strategy? For example, maybe you have a great tool for businesses and thus write content geared towards CEOs, project managers and potential product users. If so, then you might want to know which of these audiences your content creators want to write for. How To Find Out Your Marketing Team's Interests Now that know what you need to identify from the members of your content marketing team, here's how to do it. Google Forms is the perfect tool because it is free to use and will collect the data you need in one place. To get started, go to Google Drive, log in to your Google account, and click the "New" button. Select "Google Forms", which is sometimes under the "More" popout. First, name your survey. Then you will add questions to help you classify what roles each person in your content marketing team would like to pursue, their strengths, their interests, their preferred content formats and their audience. Once completed, your form should look similar to this. Once you finish, you will click the "Send Form" button. Google Drive will give you the link to share your survey, along with the option to enter email addresses to send the survey to. When you visit Google Drive, you will see two files: "Your Survey" and "Your Survey (Responses)". The responses file is a spreadsheet where survey answers are recorded. This spreadsheet will be your go-to resource when you decide how to organize your content marketing team structure. Once you receive all of the responses, you should know who wants to fill specific roles in your content marketing team, what type of content the content creators want to develop, and who will handle editing, promotion and analytics. As you gain new employees, you can send the survey to them to see if they would be interested in being a part of your content marketing team as well. Your Next Step: Structure Your Team To Create Better Content By allowing your content marketing team to focus on the things they do best and the topics they are most passionate about, you will ensure that they are delivering the best content possible for your company. Be sure to survey your content marketing team today to see if you are using everyone's strengths and see what a difference it makes! What content marketing role do you serve on your team? How To Structure Internal And External Content Teams (From Our CEO, Garrett Moon) In order to build the world's best all-in-one content marketing calendar (yep!),  needs to understand how modern blogging teams work. So, the team called, emailed, and Googled its way to understanding. The results are valuable. Content marketing and editorial teams are diverse, but 's research concluded that there are really only two major types of team structures, and then two minor ones that branch off from there. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of these teams makes a huge difference in how you manage and organize your own writing team.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
It is a mooting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
It is a mooting - Essay Example Therefore, the University cannot exclude itself for any liability as a result of negligence, based on the provisions of term (c) of the tenancy agreement since it does not satisfy the requirements of liability, specifically, Schedule 2(a), which requires that for reasonableness to be satisfied, both parties ought to have bargaining positions relative to each other with regards to the availability of any alternative means via which the requirements of the customer could have been met. This is supported by Phillips v Hyland [1987] 1 WLR 659. Ms. Edwards did not have bargaining power relative to that of the University of East England. With regards to other alternatives, she did not have any other since the University of East England offer was the cheapest, which Ms. Edwards could not find anywhere and as such it seems she was under some sort of pressure. According to Schedule (d), for term c to be deemed reasonable, it must be satisfied that at the time of the contract, compliance to th at term would have been practical. This is supported by Smith v Eric S Bush [1990] UKHL 1 2. ... If it pleases you My Lady, I will start with my first submission My Lady, the appeal before you is for the determination of whether a judge in a trial court erred in law in his decision in favor of the respondent, Ms. Edwards. The Appellant, the University of East England argue that, the trial judge erred in law in his determination that a term in a tenancy contract between the University of East England and Ms. Edwards , specifically term (c), which states, c) In the agreement, the University dissolves itself from taking any responsibility in case of damage to a student’s property within its premises, was â€Å"unreasonable†. According to the Appellant, the University of East England, that term, (c), of the tenancy contract satisfies the thresholds for reasonableness on the basis of Section 2(1-2) of the UCTA 1977. We contest this notion and affirms that, the trial did not make in error in law on the basis of Section 2(1-2), which states, In the case of other loss or d amage, a person cannot so exclude or restrict his liability for negligence except in so far as the term or notice satisfies the requirement of reasonableness. We argue that, the University cannot exclude itself from liability arising from any loss or damage caused by negligence based on term (c) of the tenancy contract since it does not satisfy the requirements of reasonableness. My Lady, Schedule 2(a) of the UCTA 1977, requires that, for a term in a contract to be deemed reasonable, both parties ought to have bargaining positions relative to each other with regards to the availability of any alternative means via which the requirements of the customer could have been met. This was held in Phillips v Hyland [1987] 1 WLR 659, where, Lord Justice Slade, Mr. Justice Neill and Sir John Megaw, held in
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